Wednesday, December 23, 2009

star light

Musical Cure

For me music is the remedy for lifes troubles
It's like a cushion of big happy bubbles
When I'm down and feel sadness I can't endure
I turn on a little music and its the best cure
I always feel heart broken and misunderstood
But I hum a small tune and everything's good
Soft R&B is the best type for me
When i listen to it, I'm as happy as can be
Music is melody, rhythm and harmony in all
Without one of these, it's nothing at all


O what a joy it is to watch and draw beautiful art!
But for some reason i end up taking them apart
The marvelous colors and designs
That appears magnificent and divine
The joyful textures and combinations
All these used for blissful carnations
There are drawings that trick the mind
And make it seem as if your blind
When i draw my pictures I express myself
I'd like to display them all on a shelf
But for now they'll continue to wither away
Until I can find a safe place for them to stay....


A Leaf
A single red leaf,
Falling from a tree
It's alone and empty
An outcast to others
"It's just a leaf"
"It's not important"
That's what they all say
Everything and everyone is important
It may be different
Not like the others
But its still a leaf

We may look different from one another
But in one way or the other...we're all the same
And we're all human....


I've dreamed about about it
It feels like a bottomless pit
I've seen it everywhere, everyday
It's a price we all have to pay
I'm afraid of death, very much
I fear the day when I'm in it's dark kluch
Death is the natural, but it gives me a scare
I try talking about it, but no one seems to care
It's in everything I watch and hear
It's the one thing I fear
I don't want to die
I never wanna say good-bye
I never wanna loose a loved one
The everlasting grief would weigh a ton
Death is never easy for a person
Although the pain may worsen
But I don't want to go through it
Not even the slighttest bit
But I know I'll have to someday
When my life will decay
But will I go to hell?
Or live forever to tell?

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